Wednesday, 25 May 2016

How To Burn Fat With Physical Exercise - Simple & Easy

Burning fat and losing weight is one of the most desired goals for January’s New Year’s Resolutions lists. Achieving this is something that requires several lifestyle changes, namely nutritional changes and including exercise in your daily routine. The combination of the right foods and the right exercise will increase the amount of fat your body burns for fuel and therefore the amount of fat you lose each week.

One the first things you should come to grips with is that your body will choose where the fat is removed. In other words, spot reducing is just not possible. It is possible to spot tone and have muscles in one area that are more toned than others, but you can’t choose where the fat will disappear from, no matter how hard you do those glute lift exercises.

And, it is important to be realistic about your goals. Some people have an easier time of losing fat from the body while others struggle longer to lose the same amount. You may achieve the same goal weight and measurements but it could take you longer than it takes your best friend. Another factor that is important to recognize is that although the muscles might be toned, you may have lost enough elasticity to the skin that it still may appear as if you are flabby.

The exercises that work to burn more fat from your body are twofold. The first are cardiovascular exercises, or those that are repetitive without using weight to strength training. These can include swimming, walking, running, ellipitical trainers, hoola hooping and biking. It is important to remember that working out for greater than 40 minute can increase the amount of cortisol your body secretes and therefore increases the amount of fat your body produces.

Cortisol is released as you move past cardiovascular activity for greater than 40 minutes.(1) Cortisol is a hormone that is necessary for fight or flight, but when not used immediately will cause fat to be laid down in the body for use as fuel later when you are either starving or in danger mode.

Another type of exercise that works to improve your overall balance of muscle and your ability to work well are plyometric exercises. These are a type of exercise that make the muscles exert maximum force in as short a period of time as possible. Basketball players use plyometrics get their bodies to jump higher. It increases muscular power and explosiveness and was originally developed to increase the potential of Olympic athletes.

And finally, you must incorporate weight training or strength training to keep your muscles burning calories all day and to develop lean muscle mass that improves your balance and reduces potential for lower back pain. Men may be more interested in gaining bulk and women in developing a lean and toned muscle mass – and weight training will do both.

Some women may be concerned about gaining bulk, but realistically it is the testosterone in the male body that increases the muscle mass. Women can gain mass, but it often requires a lot of time, work and supplementation. A rule of thumb to follow is low reps with high weight to build bulk and high reps with lower weights to build a lean and toned appearance.

Unknown Web Developer

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How To Reduce Body Fat Naturally

The percentage of adults who are over age 20 and are overweight and obese are over 69% of the population. That is close to 70% of the poulation that is carrying more weight, and therefore fat, than is normal. How to reduce your body fat is one of the highest searched questions online because it is such a problem for so many people.

Reducing your body fat is about attacking the problem from two angles – both diet and exercise. What you eat is as important as how much exercise you get each day. In fact, you shouldn’t diet! Dieting implies eating less and deprivation. Instead, it’s important to change your nutritional intake and make lifestyle changes for a lifetime.

Look for nutrient dense foods that are lower in calories and high in fiber. Green leafy vegetables will boost your immune system and keep your metabolism running all day. Eliminate fried foods and candy and choose to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day. Water helps to flush out toxins and increase your metabolic rate. When eat a healthy diet you lose the cravings for sugar and high carb foods that will pack on the fat and pounds in a matter of hours.

Believe it or not, sleeping is very important to reducing your body fat. One of the triggers to increasing your body fat is the secretion of cortisol. This is a stress hormone that is secreted from the adrenal glands at the top of the kidneys. Cortisol is responsible for the production of belly fat or visceral fat which is metabolically active and will increase your insulin resistance. When you are stressed or sleepy, you are also more apt to eat more which increases your overall fat deposits on the body.

Exercise is an important aspect to developing lean muscle and reducing your overall body fat. However, you can also train too hard, which has the opposite effect. As you increase the intensity and duration of exercise you can also increase the release of cortisol, which will only increase the amount of fat that your body produces. Instead, you want to do a PACE program in which you work out as hard as you can for 30 seconds and then recover for 90 seconds and repeat that pattern 8 times. Put 3 minutes of warm up at the begining and 3 minutes cool down at the end and you have a 20 minute workout that will burn calories hours after you stop working out.

Another way to increase the calorie burn and reduce the insulin secretion (which also increases fat production) is to take a 15 minute walk after meals. This helps to reduce your blood sugar spikes because you are immediately using the sugar from your meals.

Green tea will help to boost your metabolism and is also known for cancer fighting benefits. You can drink the tea several times a day or just pop a few green tea extract pills, which is probably easier in the long run. Most of us don’t have the time to sit down to tea 4 times a day.

Weight training is one of the best ways to burn calories and develop lean muscle mass. Combine that weight training or strength training with fat burning metabolism from low carbohydrate diet and you are well on your way to reducing your body fat.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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5 Myths Regarding Body Fat Revealed

As more and more people are focusing on weight loss and toning muscle to improve health and reduce insurance costs, you may be operating under myths that will reduce your potential for success. Let’s debunk some of those myths and provide facts about fat that will only help you get rid of more of it.

1. You can lose fat in just one area of the body. This is a myth that has been spread for decades and feeds the spot weight loss and toning industry. Yes, you can spot tone, but your body will lose fat overall and not in just one place. The exception to the rule is belly fat which is really visceral fat. This fat is wrapped around your organs in the abdomen. It is the easiest to put on and to take off.

2. Reducing calories below 1200 calories per day will burn more fat. The truth is that when your calorie intake goes below 1200 per day your body goes into starvation mode and metabolism slows significantly. In this state your body will conserve as much fat as possible.

3. You can lose all the weight and fat you want by exercising for 10 minutes a day. While you can spot tone in 10 minutes, your body will not start to burn enough calories in 10 minutes to burn fat. Your body will burn fat when it needs the fuel to do it. This will only happen when you reduce the amount carbohydrates you eat and burn more calories than you eat in carbs. Only then will your body begin to burn fat for fuel.

4. Fat weighs more than muscle. Although it seems to make sense on the surface, it isn’ true. A pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscle or a pound of gold. What is true is that a pound of fat will take up more space in the body than a pound of muscle.

5. While most of us carry around too much fat, you do need fat to live. This is true! You might be carrying more fat than you want or weigh more than you wish you did, but you do need fat in the body for your body to manufacture hormones and function optimally.

6. There is only one type of fat. Actually our bodies have four different types of fat – white, brown, visceral and subcutaneous. Each of these types of fat have different metabolic activity, burn different amounts of calories and are found in different amounts in each of us.

7. Fat is not impacted by sleep. In fact the opposite is true. In a study released from the University of Chicago in 2012, researchers found that a lack of sleep will reduce the ability of fat cells to respond to insulin by 30 percent. This increases your insulin resistance and therefore increases the amount of weight you gain.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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How To Build Lean Muscle The Easy Way

One factor in reducing body fat is to develop lean muscle that burns calories, gives your body a sleek appearance and creates a structurally sound support system for your skeleten and internal organs. And while those factors may sound more medical than sexy, lean muscle is nothing if not sexy.

Strength training or weight training has two different objectives – mass with or without strength and lean muscle strength without bulk. These goals are accomplished using two very distinct and different training styles. Those who are after a bulky Mr. Universe appearance may not be as strong as the weight lifter whose goal is strength. And the individual who is after lean muscle mass may not be as bulky as Mr. Universe or as strong as the weight lifter. But each of these individuals has goals which are both attainable and admirable when they fit your lifestyle and ambitions.

Lean muscle will also be achieved through specific nutritional intake that reduces the amount of carbohydrates you eat. Carbs trigger the release of insulin to usher the blood sugar from carb metabolism into the cells for energy. Unfortunately, insulin also increases the amount of fat that is produced in the body and reduces the amount of fat the body burns for fuel. A diet high in carbs will also trigger carb cravings which just increases the cycle of carbs, blood sugar, insulin and fat.

Foods that help you build lean muscle include fatty fish, like salmon; green leafy vegetables; greek yogurt high in protein; sweet potatoes which have a low glycemic index and keep your blood sugar stable; eggs are high in protein; and almonds which are high in heart healthy monounsaturated fats. Including each of these foods into your nutritional plan can help to increase the fat burning potential of your body and reduce your overall fat, beyond the amount lost just by reducing overall calories.

In the gym it’s important to reduce the amount of weight you’re using to lift and increase the repetitions. This gentle shift will increase strength and lean muscle without building bulk. Kettlebell exercises will work the body through several large muscle groups and are often done in higher number of repetitions with lower weights. Resistance bands, dumbbells and even machines can be used to accommodate your needs. You only have to stay focused on your goals and be sure that how you are working out meets what you want to achieve.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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10 Weight Loss Tips - Dont Complicate It

In the past 30 years the number of people who suffer from being overweight and obesity has grown significantly. The weight loss industry is growing to meet the demand, but the number of people who are overweight only continues to grow.

What’s the problem?

Here’s the bottom line. The real way that people can lose weight and keep it off is not related to a fad diet, eating only cabbage or plugging into some electrical stimulation program that promises to work off the fat and make you a lean, mean calorie burning machine.

Instead, the real way that real people lose weight is to do the work of living a healthy lifestyle. Here are 10 of the most important tips you can follow to lose all the weight you want.

1. Sleep
Often overlooked, sleep is important to your overall health and weight loss efforts for a number of reasons. Many people will eat more if they are tired in an effort to stay awake. The behavior is subconscious and most are never aware that they were doing it! Sleep reduces your stress and your cortisol levels, a hormone which can encourage the body to put on more fat. When you are sleep deprived you are also more likely to give in to temptations.
2. Water
A simple 8 glasses of water per day (8 ounces each) will also help your body to flush toxins and burn calories and fat more efficiently. Just a 1 percent dehydration can reduce your performance at tasks that require analytical skills, like math, and you will percieve that you are hungry instead of thirsty. If you feel hungry, the first thing to do is drink 8 -10 ounces of water and wait a few minutes. You just may have been thirsty!
3. Exercise
Excercise is important to any weight loss program because it helps your body to burn calories. However, don’t be gung-ho at first or you’ll be so sore the next day that you’ll drop your exercise routine. If you’ve never done a fitness program work up to walking for 30 minutes everyday and move on from there.
4. Calories
Each calorie might be burned differently in your body, but don’t be fooled into thinking that they don’t count. I don’t care if the calories you eat are all carbs, all fat or all protein (depending upon which camp of nutritional experts you ascribe to) if you eat many more calories than you burn off everyday you’ll gain weight. Try to help track your nutritional intake, set goals and produce reports about your eating habits.
5. Fat vs carbs
There are some who still believe that eating a low fat diet is the way to better health and lower weight. However, all you are doing is increasing the amount of carbs you eat to make up for the calories lost. Carbs will increase your cravings, spike your blood sugar and increase the amount of triglycerides your body produces. Try increasing the amount of GOOD fats you eat, from nuts, seeds and fatty fish or avocados. You’ll feel more full for longer periods and lose your cravings for sugar and sweets.
6. Change Your Environment
Just like smokers must leave an environment that triggers their desire to light up or an alcoholic shouldn’t go into a bar, so you should change your environment and leave behind the places and friends who trigger your desire for high calorie foods or multiple snacking during the day.
7. Reduce Stress
Many people are stress eaters and will eat to reduce their level of stress or when they are celebrating. Learn some techniques to reduce your stress. You’ll also reduce the amount of cortisol your body produces. This hormone secreted by the Adrenal glands on top of the kidneys will produce more body fat.
8. Get up during the day
Even if you spend an hour a day working out, you will continue to be at higher risk for weight gain and heart conditions when you spend your day sitting behind a desk. Put a timer on your computer and get up every 15 minutes to stretch, walk a bit and get the blood moving. It will keep your body burning calories too.
9. Be accountable
Find a friend or relative who is making the same positive lifestyle changes you are and team up. Life is easier when you have someone to call when you dont’ want to walk or that chocolate cake is calling you.
10 Be realistic and consistent
It can be hard to be realistic when everyone you see is model thin and each diet promises you instant results. Just remember that it took more than 2 weeks to put the weight on and it will take more than 2 weeks to take it off. Work consistently at changing your lifestyle choices and recognize that little changes can make big differences in the long run.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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Want TO LOSE WEIGHT - Consider Detox

Detoxification programs have been promoted as the remedy to today’s unhealthy lifestyles for years. Proponents of detoxification note that a good detox can help increase energy, slow the aging process, aid the digestive system and help relieve the symptoms of diabetes and asthma. One of the greatest benefits of a good detoxification program is weight loss.

Our bodies are equipped with several systems to help it naturally detox. However, today’s stressful lifestyles and unhealthy eating habits often overburden our natural systems. As our body struggles to keep up with the toxic matter flowing through our systems it often falls behind. Toxic waste begins to back up and the balance of our body is disrupted.

A good detox will help restore the body’s balance, eliminate the waste building up and make our systems run much more efficiently. During autopsies, coroners often find colons that are more than 75% clogged with waste matter. This causes the systems that clean our blood and intestinal tracts to back up. Nutrients can’t be absorbed as efficiently and we gain weight, become tired and irritable. Health issues often follow.

Cleaning the colon and the liver often completely relieves these clogs and allows our bodies to return to optimum functioning. Nutrients are used efficiently and many find that the detox program has such great results that they simply don’t crave sugar and fried foods after the detoxification. Many report feeling so good after detoxifying that they are motivated to eat more carefully.

With the toxins being flushed out of the body, many report a dramatic increase in energy level, encouraging many to exercise and further assist their detox in reducing weight.

Researchers have found that as the level of toxins in the body rises, more fat is manufactured to protect the body. Weight gain is a natural by-product of toxin buildup. Removing the toxins from the body allows the body to release the excess fat, resulting in a natural weight loss.

There are many detoxification programs on the market. Choose a gentle, well researched program that includes a parasite remover as well. You’ll be pleasantly surprised at your increased energy and amount of weight loss!
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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Since the ancient times, people has already realized the many benefits of detoxification. The Chinese has long started with steam bathing in their many hot water pools, and the Japanese too are a firm believer of detoxification by steaming in their hot mineral pools.

For the modern times, and for the busy individual, a herbal remedy main purpose is to quickly detoxify the body and aid in the elimination of waste. For good home remedies, vinegar and herbal pads are often used for the bottom of the feet, to detoxify the body of harmful chemicals.

Simple Body Detox Program

Use a herbal detox supplement in combination with the herbal colon cleanse for a periodic body detox. Natural herbal colon cleanse body detox and laxative products. Use the herbal detox supplement in combination with the herbal colon cleanse for a periodic body detox. Pre-Cleanse tablets combine herbal detoxifiers, cleansers, and diuretics to act as a booster to help keep toxins out of your body. So, there you have it, four of the best parts of the body to herbally detox. Repeat this detox program as many times as you wish and you will see the benefits of detoxifying your body of excess toxins and wastes.

There are many detox programs in the market now, but one of the most popular ones are Grandma’s Herbs herbal colon cleanser and Blessed Herbs and body detox products These detoxifying products are designed to obtain and maintain a cleaner, healthier body. This unique blend of special herbal extracts and nutrients helps detox the body through the digestive tract, the glandular and circulatory systems. Our herbal health supplements will assist in many of the different areas to correct, when wanting to lose weight, slimming or detoxifying the body. What is Herbal Detox Tea? It is actually a very powerful herbal tea used for detoxing the body. Herbal detox tea can be drank as many times as desired for cleansing the body.

Care for your body…Use a natural colon cleanse and other herbal body detox products to remove toxins from your body today!
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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Before you plunge right into just any cleansing technique, here are some general tips that you must first consider.

You have been experiencing frequent headaches, weight gain, constipation and skin problems, amongst a whole host of health problems. And you are pretty convinced that some of these problems are due to a diet of high in saturated fats, environmental pollution and a stressful lifestyle.

These factors have inadvertently contributed to a toxin build-up in your body and you would like to cleanse your body through a detox program.

But before you plunge right into just any cleansing technique, here are some general tips that you must first consider:

1. Start with a cleansing technique that is not too drastic or extreme for your present condition.

2. On the other hand, do not choose a technique that is too mild and would therefore be ineffective. You can always start with a gentle cleansing program but build it up gradually.

3. If you are a female, do not detoxify when you are pregnant or having your period.

4. Always budget enough time for the cleansing process to take place. For instance, in a bowel cleanse, you may have to allow about 4 hours for purging to take place.

5. Do not rush into a cleansing technique. As in the above example, during the 4 hours, plan to take things slowly. No heavy tasks! Be near a toilet if necessary.

6. Before starting on cleansing, make sure you go through all instructions and have all the foods necessary for your detoxification. You don’t want to have to rush out to the supermarket in the middle of a cleanse.

7. Work closely with a trained health practitioner, giving him or her full details of the health problems that you are facing.

8. Very importantly, decide with your health practitioner the order in which you should cleanse your body. Cleansing of the different parts of the body can include colon cleansing, liver cleansing, kidney cleansing, lung cleansing and skin cleansing. The right order will result in a more effective and complete detoxification for your body.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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Detoxification refers to the removal of toxic substance from human body by various methods. Detoxification takes place through various organs of the human body like lungs, liver, kidney and skin. Detoxification is also done by artificial methods like dialysis, acupuncture detoxification and chelation therapy. Alternative medicine therapies like detox diets also claim to detoxify the human body.

The function of the liver, lungs, kidney and skin is to remove any harmful substance from the blood stream. Lungs detoxify by exhaling. Liver breaks down the toxins into smaller compounds that are then cleaned by the skin and the kidneys.

Chelation Therapy uses chelating agents to remove metal ions from the body. Metals like mercury, lead, uranium, americium, polonium etc are harmful and act like poison in the body. Chelating agents that are used for detoxification are:

•EDTA : Dietheylene triamine pentaacetic acid
•DMSA : Dimercaptosuccinic acid
•BAL : British Anti Lewisite
•DMPS : Dimercapto-propane sulfonate
•ALA: Alpha lipoic acid
•Ca Na2 –EDTA : Calcuium disodium versante

Detox Diet. It is a dietary course in which food consumption habits are changed to remove toxins and contaminants from the body. Proponents of this method claim improved health, vitality, immunity, weight loss etc.

The various methods used are:

•Calorific restriction.
•Increased consumption of certain types of fish like salmon.
•Fasting methods like water fasting and juice fasting.
•Consuming certain herbs.

In detox diets veganism is advocated in which fruits and vegetables form the majority component. Drinking more water and limiting alcohol is also advocated.

Acupuncture Detoxification. Detoxification also refers to drug rehabilitation to treat alcoholism and drug addictions. The process in these types of detoxification involves abstinence to remove the drug completely from the body and this is usually accompanied by social and environmental support. This support is required to prevent the patient undergoing withdrawal and depression. A non drug detoxification method widely used is acupuncture detoxification. Acupuncture detoxification was very successful during the 70’s cocaine plague in the US.

It involves a five point auricular (outer ear) protocol developed in the US by Dr Michael Smith. Presently in the US this acupuncture treatment and training is provided through the National Acupuncture Detoxificcation Association. Studies have found that patients are more likely to complete the treatment and stay away from drugs and alcohols.

Dialysis. Dialysis is a life support treatment used to detoxify the blood when a patient’s kidneys fail. Kidneys remove waste products from the blood like potasium, acid, excess fluid and urea in the form of urine. Dialysis machine does both waste removal and fluid removal. The method used to remove the toxins from the blood is by osmosis. Blood is passed on one side of semipermeable membrane and the dialysis fluid is passed on the other side. The dialysis fluid collects the toxins from the blood by osmosis through the semi permeable membrane.

Detoxification is done by various established methods like dialysis, acupuncture detoxification, chelation therapy etc. Some alternate medicine methods like detox diets also claim to purify the blood. However they are not proved medically.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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If you are like most of us, you’re tired, maybe overweight, caffeine addicted and stressed out. You just don’t feel your best. You may even have more serious health problems like irritable bowel system or high blood pressure.Want a natural alternative to more over-the-counter and prescription drugs? Try detoxifying your body.

An internal body cleansing can have many great benefits. Cleansing your body of toxic buildup can provide relief from fatigue, tension, headaches, constipation, skin problems and acne and PMS, just to name a few. By assisting your body in this natural process, you’ll be strengthening your organs and boosting your immune system.

Substances that are potentially toxic to our bodies are everywhere. Pollution, petroleum based products, pesticides and other compounds are harmful to our bodies. Our organs, including the colon and liver, are responsible for removing the toxins and waste materials from our bodies. But when these organs aren’t functioning up to standard we become tired, break out and have digestive problems. More serious illnesses may result.

In your body, enzymes attach themselves to certain toxic substances. The resulting material is processed in the liver and colon to be eliminated. Unfortunately, sometimes the liver and colon cannot process all of the waste that is present, either because they are just overwhelmed, or there is a lack of required nutrients. The toxic compounds can’t be processed, so they build up to unhealthy levels.

Detoxification provides the liver, colon and other organs with the enzymes, nutrients and support that they need to eliminate the waste build-up and to function efficiently again.

Don’t procrastinate any longer. Detoxify your body and reap the benefits of a clean engine!
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Affordable Healthy Eating Plan

One of the common misconceptions about eating healthily is that it is difficult, even impossible, to do on a budget. It is easy to understand why people think this – if you look in any health food shop, the prices are usually on the high side. If you walk the fruit and veg aisle at your local supermarket, you will often note that the better produce costs more than it would to buy a bunch of oven-ready meals from the other sections of the store.

However, the truth of the matter is that eating healthily on a budget is not that difficult at all and, in truth, buying healthy food can work out a lot cheaper than spending on the less healthy but more “appealing” products. Undoubtedly, there is a caveat to this. If you want to eat healthily and spend less money, you have to be prepared to do more work in the kitchen than if you were to just buy quick, easy food. But we all have to make sacrifices to achieve our goals.

Ready-made health food is like its less healthy cousins – a false economy. What you may gain in time, you will lose elsewhere. There will always be something you have to take a hit on, and out of the three main areas – health, price and time – time is often the one that we can afford to take a constructive view on. If you have time, it may even be beneficial to cook a few meals at a time and store them in the fridge or the freezer to be eaten later.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.

Can Food Really Be Healthy

Fast food is, and will no doubt continue to be, one of the most secure industries in the world. The simple truth of the matter is that sometimes, we look for the quickest option when we are on the move. So it does not appear that fast food will disappear from the high street any time soon. From a healthy eating point of view, the question has to be whether we turn a blind eye to it or find healthy fast food. Does healthy fast food even exist, though?

Well, if fast food is a secure industry, then healthy eating is one that compares with it. While many of us need to eat on the move, there are certainly enough people around who don't want to compromise on their healthy eating plan. There are options for healthy fast food, even if we tend not to define it as such.

The best fast and healthy option for many of us is a sandwich. Certainly, the number of sandwich chains around the country is testament to how much people enjoy a good sandwich, and the advantage is that sandwiches are readily customizable. Admittedly, not all sandwiches are healthy, but it is up to you how you have them. A chicken salad sandwich on wholemeal with no mayo is certainly healthier than a burger and fries – and the level of variation compared to burgers means that it is a choice that need not get boring. Most sandwich shops also do wraps, pasta salads and other variations too
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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Healthy Start to Your Day - Your Breakfast

Many individuals have heard the saying, "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day". Even though we've all heard the saying, how many of us believe it? How important is breakfast, really?

Breakfast is the first meal after many hours of fasting (while you sleep). Your body is depleted of fuel (food) and is craving the nutrients that it needs for cell growth and repair. The biggest meal of the day should be when you have the most time to burn off the calories taken in at that meal. Breakfast gets its name from the breaking of the long fast that our bodies go through while we sleep at night. Because we are sleeping for a long time our bodies do not need to be exerting energy so the metabolism slows down and our blood sugar drops by the time we wake in the morning. When you eat a healthy breakfast it ends that long fasting period and allows your body to speed up the metabolism, which in turn boosts your energy level. You now have the energy you need for the day ahead. Without breakfast, your body thinks it is still fasting and the metabolism will slow to help your body through these periods of starvation that it thinks it is in.

Those individuals who are dieting to lose weight may decide to skip breakfast, and this skipping out on the calories breakfast would normally consume. Unfortunately what really happens when you skip breakfast is that the "fast" from overnight continues and your metabolism that is slowed (as we discussed previously) is not going to burn very many calories as you go about your normal activities. Once you start eating again, this stops the fasting state that your body is on, and then your metabolism can start back up again, burning calories from the food that you eat from that point on.

When you eat breakfast, research shows that your body's production of leptin, which is a hormone, suppresses appetite and you feel full. Those who eat breakfast feel full until lunchtime. Because they do not get hungry in-between breakfast and lunch they don't snack or graze eat, which adds extra calories.

Those who do not eat breakfast are often irritable, restless and tired. Kids who eat breakfast have more energy, they tend to do better in school, and eat healthier throughout the day, probably because of good habits that start at breakfast.

After sleeping all night your blood sugar level will be low. Skipping breakfast means that your body will not be able to rise that blood sugar level and then you try to participate in activities like running, participating in school sports and wonder why you feel sluggish and unable to concentrate in class?

Starting the day with a healthy breakfast gives your body the fuel that it needs to kick start your metabolism and keep your alert and able to concentrate.

Even those who dislike eating first thing in the morning can drink a glass of pure, unsweetened fruit juice, and some yogurt or a piece of whole wheat toast and peanut butter.

Ideal breakfasts are those that include something from all the food groups such as:

Low-calorie high fiber cereal with sliced banana or strawberries, a cup of yogurt, slice of lean bacon and hashed brown potatoes.

Eggs are an excellent food and should be a part of several breakfasts each week. Eggs are a compact powerhouse of nutrients and low on calories. They can be prepared several ways including poached, boiled, or scrambled. They can be put on an English muffin, or mixed with cheese or pieces of turkey and vegetables for a wonderful omelet.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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Should you Eat Organic Foods? Know the Real Truth

You have heard a lot about organic foods. Many people are looking for safer, more natural foods and organic food fits the bill. Some researchers say that organic foods are better for you because they are pesticide free. Other people say that food is food and that organic food is no better for you than any other types of foods. So, are organic foods better for you than foods that are not grown organically? Here is a closer look.

Pros of Organic Foods:

There are several pros of organic foods that no one can argue with. First of all, these foods are grown so that they do not use chemicals and pesticides. Farmers that produce organic foods find other ways to control weeds, insects and disease rather than spraying them with harsh chemicals. Natural fertilizers are preferred over chemicals. If you are looking at organic meats, there is a difference there, too. For example, traditionally, farmers that tend to livestock for food consumption will inject the animals with antibiotics, growth hormones and other types of medications. These are to prevent diseases and help the animal grow larger. Organic farmers do not do this. Instead, they feed their animals organic foods and allow them to live outside and take preventative measures to raise livestock. In short, plants and animals that are grown organically are better for the animal, the environment and you.

Disadvantages of Organic foods:

Many people find that there are some disadvantages of organic foods. For one, it is more expensive. This is because it cost more to tend to animals and produce livestock organically. These higher costs are passed on to the consumer. Families with an already tight budget may pass on organic foods because of price alone. Also, organic foods may be harder to find. While it is true that many grocery stores are now carrying organic foods, many smaller cities may not have large choices. You may be limited in what you can buy without going to a specialty store.

You should also remember that not all organic foods are the same. The USDA certifies organic foods and has guidelines that must be followed. It is also interesting to note that if you buy an organic food, it does not mean that all of the ingredients in the product is organic. If it is certified as USDA organic, it means that at least 95 percent of ingredients are organic. Foods that are marked "made with organic ingredients" simply means that ingredients used to make the product are 70 percent organic. These will not be labeled with the USDA seal.

So in short, when you have to make the decision of whether or not to go organic at the grocery store, keep a few things in mind. There have been no conclusive studies that show that organic foods are more nutritious than organic foods. The USDA certifies these products, but does not endorse them as safer or more nutritious. Also, keep in mind that some organic products may not look the same as non-organic foods. This is because no wax or preservatives are used. They may spoil faster, too. Take all of this into consideration when shopping.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

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5 Things That You Need To Know Regarding Healthy Eating

1. Eating healthier foods is something a person will enjoy because you can start to get some extra energy. When they have this extra energy it will be easy for them to complete the work you need to get done. Then they do not have to be concerned about the lack of energy they have in the middle of the day or having to find a drink which can provide them with the instant surge to get the crash later on in the day. However, with the proper nutrition a person will have their sells primed to keep the energy levels regulated properly.

2. Getting to enjoy the healthy foods will help to keep the local farmers in business. Now a person may not think about the local farmers because they seem to be doing well all the time. However, the smaller family run farms can be hard to keep up properly all the time because of the different costs associated and the lack of national contracts. So by eating the healthy foods, it will be rather easy for people to have the proper support for the local community and ensure it will stay in the same way they have loved for years to come.

3. The healthy foods will lower the risk of medical conditions developing in some people. With people not having to be concerned about these health issues, it will be easy for them to have the free time they want to and lead the life they want. Without having the healthy food to eat, though, some people may have the issue of not being able to have the decreased level of health problems and they be stuck inside of the doctors office all the time because of the different medical conditions they are facing because of the lack of proper nutrition in the foods.

4. At times the healthy foods are lower in cost than the other foods which are present. The reason for this lower cost is these foods do not require as much processing and are commonly viewed as being more natural. With them being seen as more natural, it will be easy for a person to see they are not ingesting anything that was made from chemicals or other items. Instead the person just has to eat the food and know it will be good for them without having to worry about any allergies to the chemicals.

5. Chemicals are used to process and preserve much of the food which is considered unhealthy for people. However, with the healthy items, the person does not have to be concerned about these items and will see this type of food will easily help them in getting the proper diet they want to have, but also avoid the issue of getting unwanted chemicals into their body. Then the person will not have to be concerned about the foods they are ingesting making them sick over the long term process of them eating the food. Without this knowledge a person may have to be concerned about the long term health effects.
How To Stay Healthy More Self Improvement Tips
Unknown Web Developer

Morbi aliquam fringilla nisl. Pellentesque eleifend condimentum tellus, vel vulputate tortor malesuada sit amet. Aliquam vel vestibulum metus. Aenean ut mi aucto.